
Irish MEP Barry Andrews condemns the IDF

Irish MEP Barry Andrews condemns the IDF for violating international law and attacking UN positions, injuring peacekeepers

Irish MEP Barry Andrews criticizes Israel’s actions at the UN, highlighting that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have violated international law, despite false claims from Israel’s ambassador that Hezbollah is using UNIFIL outposts as hiding places. He condemns the IDF for recent attacks on UN positions, which injured peacekeepers, and commends the bravery of UN troops from 16 countries who have maintained their duties under intense pressure. He also emphasizes the broad condemnation of IDF actions from various nations and hopes the message reaches the IDF and UNIFIL troops enduring the conflict.

Thank you, Madame President, Commissioner, and colleagues. Israel’s ambassador to the UN last week said, and I quote, “Hezbollah is using UNIFIL outposts as hiding places.” This is patently false. The truth is that the IDF has continuously and flagrantly violated international law, drawing condemnation from the US, the UK, France, Germany, and Italy in a rare show of moral enlightenment.

Yesterday, an Israeli bulldozer deliberately demolished an observation tower at a UN position. Last week, two Israeli tanks destroyed the main gate of another UN position. Many UN peacekeepers have been injured.

So, let me take this opportunity to commend the bravery and integrity of UN peacekeepers drawn from 16 member states. Under intense pressure, they have held the line, carried out route clearances, and managed to resupply vulnerable positions, which really underscores how difficult humanitarian access is in the rest of the region.

I am struck by the near-unanimity in this house, for once, condemning the actions of the IDF. I hope this message is heard clearly by the IDF, and especially by those UNIFIL troops, to help them endure the hardships brought about by the current conflict. Thank you.

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