
A year that brought the world to the brink

A man who may become the president of the United States in a month’s time is advising Netanyahu, “Hit Iran first and worry about the consequences later!” Netanyahu doesn’t need Trump’s half-wit, but the Israeli army needs even one bullet from the US.

The current president, Biden, who has given the Zionist expansionist-occupying regime in Israel every bullet, rocket, bomb and the money to build a new army necessary for genocide in Palestine and atrocities in the West Bank, is supposedly advising Israel to show restraint in view of the pro-Palestinian stance of the American people, out of concern for the upcoming elections. It is too late now.

Israel (and the world) faces two paths: To get out of jail, Netanyahu, on the advice of the six religious fundamentalist parties and friends like Trump, who agreed to join the coalition on the condition that he also invade Gaza, ups the ante in his retaliatory race against Iran, and delivers a massive, devastating, “punitive” response to Iran, including its nuclear facilities. In order for Israel to get out of the spiral of violence in which it has trapped itself and its unconditional supporters, the United States, Britain, France and Germany, its coalition partners want it to resort to a nuclear weapon that would kill a large number of people in Iran (and in neighboring countries where the nuclear winds would reach).

Another way is for a political miracle to happen in Israel, where the government falls, the new cabinet withdraws its troops from Gaza, and the children are saved from starvation and death by epidemics, opening the way for Gaza’s wounds to be healed. However, we live in times when miracles, political or otherwise, no longer happen easily. In Israel, the Oslo Peace Accords, signed by Prime Minister Isaac Rabin to establish a Palestinian state, was such a miracle. But the opponents of peace murdered Rabin and six months later Benyamin Netanyahu became Prime Minister, who was finally arrested by the International Criminal Court for genocide and war crimes. Netanyahu was often overthrown by those who rejected his policy of murdering Palestinians and forcing them to flee their homeland in order to realize Greater Israel and to make the creation of a Palestinian state impossible, and although other governments intervened, Netanyahu was eventually able to occupy Gaza for the sixth time, taking over the prime ministership he came to occupy after Rabin’s assassination. Having virtually annexed the West Bank by expanding its illegal settlements, Netanyahu is now almost impossible to remove democratically. The moment he is stripped of his prime ministerial armor, he will be tried for corruption, embezzlement and bribery, and will probably go to jail along with his wife, so Netanyahu has to give them everything they want and keep his government standing with 8 votes. The court agreed to suspend Netanyahu’s trial until March because of the war. The theater of the long-range rocket duel with Iran, in which no one died here or there, will not save him from the court, so Netanyahu will probably shed blood in Iran this time.

The US and its other backers must be counting on the fact that in the face of a badly killed and devastated Iran, the already rapidly eroding pro-Western stance of the countries in the region will disappear for good.

What all these complex calculations of probability fail to cover is the bitter truth: Netanyahu’s policy of making Israel a country for Jews only, a state for Zionists only, has brought not only the Palestinians and the peoples of the Middle East, but the world to the brink of catastrophe. This is not because of Hamas’ October 7 raid, but because of Netanyahu’s occupation policy that led to that raid. Will the world be able to hold Netanyahu and the parties that kept him in power with 8 votes to his name?

Auto translated from milliyet.com.tr 


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About the author

Hakki Ocal

Hakki Ocal

Hakkı Öcal is a columnist at both Daily Sabah and Milliyet newspapers, which are based in Istanbul. He is also an advisor to the President of Ibn Haldun University.

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