
Ankara’s BRICS Membership Push Gains Importance, Says Kremlin Spokesperson

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov discussed BRICS importance, Turkey’s potential membership, group’s global influence, economic shifts, and Russian-Turkish energy cooperation

During an exclusive interview at the BRICS Summit in Kazan, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov emphasized the growing importance of BRICS and the potential membership of Turkey. He highlighted the group’s influence in global politics and economics, noting its expansion since 2009. Peskov discussed how the flexibility of BRICS, without formal agreements or charters, is a strength, providing alternative platforms for investment. He also addressed the economic shifts within BRICS, emphasizing the move away from using the U. S. dollar in trade. Additionally, Peskov criticized Western policies and sanctions, pointing out the shifting center of global development towards the East. He also expressed concerns about the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza while confirming Russian-Turkish energy cooperation plans.

In an exclusive interview during the BRICS Summit in Kazan, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov emphasized the growing significance of BRICS and Turkey’s potential membership, highlighting the group’s increasing influence in the global political and economic landscape.

Peskov outlined how BRICS—an informal club of nations including Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—has expanded from its modest beginnings in 2009. Now, with around 30 countries expressing interest in joining, the group’s impact is seen as crucial in challenging the existing global power structures dominated by Western countries.

While BRICS, unlike traditional international organizations, does not operate under binding agreements or a formal charter, Peskov viewed this flexibility as one of its strengths. “It’s not about rivalry,” he said. “BRICS doesn’t seek to compete with or undermine other organizations like SWIFT, but rather aims to provide its members with alternative platforms for investment and cooperation.”

Turkey’s Potential Membership

Discussing the potential inclusion of Turkey in BRICS, Peskov acknowledged the country’s role as a regional power and the importance of its participation in global affairs. While BRICS members are still negotiating the terms of future expansions, Turkey’s interest is seen as significant.

However, Peskov noted that accommodating more countries could present challenges. “Every union has its potential for membership,” he said, “and overloading that could bring difficulties.”

Asked if Turkey’s membership in NATO could complicate its BRICS ambitions, Peskov dismissed the idea of incompatibility. “BRICS welcomes countries that follow their national interests,” he explained, taking a clear shot at NATO’s pressure on its members to stay within its geopolitical boundaries. “NATO’s involvement in the war against our country has made it our enemy. Turkey’s interest in BRICS is not related to its NATO membership,” Peskov added.

Economic Shifts and the BRICS Role

Peskov also touched on the economic strategies of BRICS members, particularly the move away from using the U.S. dollar in trade. He pointed out that Russia, which has faced economic sanctions from the West, has increased its reliance on national currencies in bilateral and multilateral trade. “We were forced to move in this direction when the dollar was weaponized against us,” he said.

Regarding a possible BRICS currency or a rival to the Western-led financial system, Peskov downplayed such speculation. While he admitted that members are considering investment platforms involving digital currencies, he stressed that BRICS is not aiming to rival existing systems like SWIFT.

Russia’s Strategic Goals and Conflict with the West

Peskov’s comments also reflected Russia’s broader frustrations with the West. He criticized U.S. policies and sanctions, stating that the global center of development is shifting eastward. “The Western countries are doing everything they can to preserve their central leadership, but the natural processes of global development are moving elsewhere,” he said.

Touching on the ongoing war in Ukraine, Peskov reiterated Russia’s stance that the military conflict was a “last step” after diplomatic solutions had been exhausted. He expressed disappointment in Ukraine’s refusal to negotiate and criticized the Western nations, including Britain, for pressuring Kyiv into continuing the war.

On Gaza and the Middle East

On the topic of the current conflict in Gaza, Peskov voiced deep concerns over the humanitarian crisis, emphasizing Russia’s diplomatic efforts in the region. He reiterated Russia’s support for a two-state solution and the role of international organizations in de-escalating the conflict. “We are ready to do what we can to help resolve this crisis,” he said.

Energy Cooperation with Turkey

Looking to the future of Russian-Turkish relations, Peskov confirmed that President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan have discussed the creation of a natural gas hub in Turkey, an initiative that has been in the works for several years. He described the project as mutually beneficial and vital for future European energy consumers, particularly given the rising costs of alternatives.

As BRICS expands its reach, and Turkey continues to balance its position between NATO and BRICS, the coming years will likely reveal the full extent of Ankara’s strategic pivot. Meanwhile, Russia remains committed to strengthening its ties with the global east, while fending off what it perceives as Western economic and military aggression.

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