
Being a Turk in Europe

By Oğuzhan Bilgin


I am more educated than him, I have a better CV, I am more experienced, but they hired him and not me!” says my friend with a PhD in Germany.

“Why?” I ask, as if I don’t know the answer.

“Why? They know we are Turkish by our name…”

The case he is talking about is familiar. It is a common result of many social researches that the rate of being hired increases significantly when Western names are replaced with Muslim/Turkish names on the same CV.

In other words, it is an ordinary situation experienced by Turks in Europe, where many virtues such as freedom, justice, merit, etc. are attributed to Turks, which some retarded people nowadays praise with trashy words such as “it is genetically impossible for us to reach the level of civilization”.

The first generations, most of whom migrated to Europe many years ago when Turkey was in the vortex of underdevelopment, and who were employed for many years in jobs that Europeans did not want to work in, were confronted with massive labor exploitation and discrimination in all its forms by “host” societies that refrained from establishing the most basic human relations with them in social life.

Not enough, racism, which is the dark side of European history, society and culture, manifested itself as organized violence through neo-Nazi and far-right organizations. We remember barbarities such as hundreds of Dutch people stoning the houses of Turks in the Netherlands and dozens of Turks being burnt alive in Germany. Moreover, it was later revealed that it was the German Deep State that had neo-Nazi organizations carry out serial murders such as the “Dönerci murders”.

In recent years, with the addition of the economic problems in European countries, a makeshift employment model consisting mostly of short-term or part-time jobs has posed a major problem, especially for the younger generations of Turks living in Europe.

In other words, young people in Europe are not swimming in money and luxury without working at all, as it is assumed in Turkey’s social media; on the contrary, they work hard and do not earn much.

As if all the above-mentioned problems were not enough, a very familiar scourge for us also poses a big problem for the Turks in Europe: PKK.

As is not well known in Turkey, the PKK continues to terrorize many European countries and cities with great comfort. It extorts, extorts, controls the drug mafia, attacks the official representations, offices and homes of Turkey and Turks.

In recent days, the new target of the pack of murderers has been the Turks in Belgium. It is now customary for them to organize and attack as soon as they sense a Turkish element that poses a risk to their terrorist domination, and in Belgium, in recent days, they have been able to attack Turks and burn down buildings in front of everyone’s eyes.

Why are they so comfortable? Because many European states, from their security organizations to their intelligence agencies, act in coordination with the PKK and encourage it. The fact that they act so fearlessly despite so many incidents and complaints comes from the encouragement given by European states.

Secondly, European Turks have been fragmented and divided as a result of long years of intelligence work by European states. The inability of Turks to unite encourages many Turkophobic groups such as the PKK, far-right movements or Armenians.

Despite all this, in recent years, the awareness and practice of organizing has started to rise both in the civil societies of Turks and among European Turks as a result of the diaspora policies of the Turkish state.

All in all, let alone the numbskulls who live comfortably in Turkey and dare to say negative things about European Turks, we cannot appreciate enough the European Turks who have lived in Europe for many years out of necessity, who have dealt with all kinds of calamities from the PKK to neo-Nazis only because they are Turks, and yet they have not lost their love for Turkey, their sense of Turkishness and pride.

Auto translated from Aksam.com.tr 

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