
Creation Manifesto from the VIII International Congress on Creation in Light of Science

The VIII International Congress on Creation in Light of Science at Üsküdar University issued a “Creation Manifesto,” arguing that the universe is likely intentionally designed rather than a result of random chance

The VIII International Congress on Creation in Light of Science at Üsküdar University issued a “Creation Manifesto” stating that the universe is likely intentionally designed rather than a product of random chance. This manifesto challenges the idea of chance-based existence, arguing that scientific evidence supports intentional design. The manifesto discusses various scientific principles, such as the Big Bang theory and fine-tuning, quantum mechanics, natural selection, and human cognitive abilities, to support the concept of conscious design. It also addresses topics like system theory, cybernetics, and the Theory of Mind to argue for an intelligent creator. Furthermore, the manifesto considers the problem of evil and free will, suggesting that suffering and moral ambiguity reflect a purposeful creation rather than random occurrence. In conclusion, the manifesto asserts the necessity of a supreme creator based on philosophical reasoning, scientific observation, and mathematical probability, aligning with a monotheistic view of creation.

A gathering of scientists, theologians, and academics convened at the VIII International Congress on Creation in Light of Science held at Üsküdar University, Istanbul, from October 24-26, 2024, to address one of the most profound questions in human history: the origin of the universe and life within it. Concluding three days of intensive debate and discourse, the participants collectively issued a “Creation Manifesto.” This manifesto posits that the current body of scientific evidence, mathematical probability, and philosophical inquiry provides substantial support for the hypothesis that the universe’s existence is rooted in conscious, purposeful design rather than random chance.

Fundamental Philosophical Inquiry

The manifesto addresses humanity’s perennial questions: Why does the universe exist? How did life originate? Two perspectives dominate this discourse:
1. **Chance-Based Existence:** The view that the universe emerged from random, undirected processes.
2. **Existence Based on Intentional Design:** The assertion that the universe and life are products of a purposeful, intelligent creator.

Through scientific methodology and deductive reasoning, the participants argue that if the likelihood of a chance-based universe is proven to be mathematically and scientifically impossible, then the model of intentional design becomes the rational alternative.

Arguments Against a Chance-Based Universe

The manifesto scrutinizes the chance-based perspective through various scientific principles, each of which, they argue, fails to convincingly account for the observed order and complexity in the universe.

– **The Big Bang and Fine-Tuning:** Referring to the Big Bang theory and data from the Webb Telescope, they highlight that the universe’s apparent “fine-tuning” raises doubts about its random origin. The precise calibration of universal constants, they argue, creates an environment uniquely suitable for life—a phenomenon highly improbable under a chance-based framework. Even minor deviations in these constants would render the universe incapable of supporting life.
– **Quantum Indeterminacy and Order:** Quantum mechanics presents certain events as random at the subatomic level, yet the manifesto suggests that the observed stability in physical laws reflects an overarching purpose or intelligence rather than chaos. They further invoke “chaos theory” to argue that what appears disordered may, in fact, be part of a larger, intentional order.
– **Natural Selection:** According to evolutionary theory, life’s complexity arose through random mutations and natural selection. The manifesto, however, questions the probability of such processes achieving the intricate order seen in biological systems. In support, they describe human fetal development as a process that cannot be fully explained by random genetic mutation, instead suggesting a pre-determined sequence of growth that implies an intelligent blueprint.

Arguments Supporting Conscious Design

The manifesto asserts that complexity, order, and certain human cognitive abilities, such as metacognition and moral awareness, all align with a purposeful, intelligent design.

– **Consciousness and Intelligence in Nature:** Human consciousness, self-awareness, and the quest for meaning are presented as attributes that cannot be adequately explained by evolutionary processes alone. The participants argue that the human capacity for abstraction, curiosity about existence, and moral contemplation indicate a unique form of intelligence that surpasses evolutionary necessity.
– **System Theory and Cybernetics:** System theory and cybernetics are invoked to illustrate that natural processes behave in a way that mimics “algorithms,” reflecting a decision-making capability that they believe random processes cannot generate. They argue that such “algorithmic” behavior points to a designer with intentional purpose.
– **Zihin Kuramı (Theory of Mind):** They emphasize that humans, uniquely among species, can infer the mental states of others and imagine abstract ideas, capacities they believe suggest a level of intelligence pointing to an intentional creator. They argue that no evolutionary advantage necessitates this capacity to the degree seen in humans, asserting that it reflects a purposeful creation.

The Problem of Evil and Free Will

A particularly significant part of the manifesto is its approach to the problem of evil and suffering, which they argue cannot be satisfactorily addressed by a chance-based view of existence. They posit that the presence of suffering, moral ambiguity, and free will aligns with the concept of life as a test, as seen in many spiritual traditions, rather than a random occurrence without purpose. This is interpreted as evidence of a moral structure and ultimate accountability built into human existence, requiring a higher power.

Final Declaration: The Necessity of a Supreme Creator

The manifesto concludes with a statement that, when viewed through the lens of mathematical probability, philosophical reasoning, and scientific observation, the model of an intelligent designer provides a rational, comprehensive framework for understanding the origin of the universe and human consciousness. Drawing upon the philosophical concept of “Necessary Existence” (Vacib-ül Vücud), as proposed by the philosopher Ibn Sina (Avicenna), they assert that the existence of an omniscient, omnipotent Creator is a logical necessity. The manifesto refers to the Quranic concept of Tawhid (Unity of God), affirming that this understanding is consistent with a monotheistic view that attributes creation to an eternal, all-knowing, and all-powerful being.

The scientists and scholars of this congress conclude that, in light of their investigations, the universe and life within it reveal signs of intentional creation, inviting humanity to contemplate a cosmos with profound meaning and purpose beyond the mere workings of chance.

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