
Foreign ‘volunteers’ fight Azerbaijan alongside Armenia?

Various reports are pouring-in that foreign mercenaries – termed as so-called volunteers – have reached occupied territories of Upper Karabakh where they are fighting against Azerbaijan.

Social media sites are full of videos sourced from Telegram channels of these groups which show these “volunteers” joining ranks of Armenian army in occupied territories.

A journalist claimed in a twitter post that Yazidis are “also sending volunteer soldiers to the Karabakh border line”.

He also posted photo of terrorist from Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the renewed version of PKK terror group, saying the “fighter (mercenary) belonging to the Syriac Military Council [was] spotted on the front-lines fighting together with the Armenian Army”.

He added that the Syriac Military Council is an Assyrian (Christian) military organization in Syria, “part of the SDF”.

The reports of foreign mercenaries, PKK terrorists joining Armenian troops in occupied Nagorno-Karabakh territories of Azerbaijan come at a time when Armenia launched offensive attacks on civilian population of Azerbaijan last Sunday.

Azerbaijan military launched counter attacks, neutralizing over 2300 Armenian military personnel.

Damages to the mercenary groups has not been ruled out.

PKK terror group has killed over 40,000 civilians and soldiers of Turkey since early 1980s. It is a declared outlawed group by US, EU and Turkey.

Contents of another video claim that “fighters” from Lebanon have arrived in Armenia to fight against Azerbaijan.

The alleged Labanese “mercenary” of Armenian descent speaking in Arabic claims they received “our uniforms” but also adds that they suffered casualties.

In its latest statement, Azerbaijan defense ministry said it liberated some critical points in the western Agdere province from Armenian occupation as border clashes entered their sixth day on Friday.

The Azerbaijani army forced the Armenian army to withdraw from the Jabrayil-Fizuli region, the statement said adding that some strategic hills in Agdere’s Madagiz region were also liberated from occupation.

During last night clashes, five Armenian armored vehicles were destroyed and a large number of soldiers neutralized, it said.

The Azerbaijani defense ministry claimed volunteers brought from Armenia to the occupied areas refused to fight, fearing the intensity of the conflict and heavy losses.

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