
“Haniyeh’s assassination offered Iran unique opportunities”

By Dr. Ali Bakeer

The #Israeli assassination of #Hamas leader, #Haniyeh, in #Tehran has humiliated #Iran. However, it offered Iran unique opportunities.

Historically, #Iranians have tended to overlook humiliation when there are potential benefits. This is how Israel served Iran:

1) Iran has requested advanced equipment from #Russia, which is in no position to refuse!

2) Iran is now perceived in the #US as a rational and calculating actor, particularly in light of last April’s show, suggesting that a potential agreement may be achievable. The #Americans and the #Israelis will tell themselves Iran is not #Saddam.

3) Iran is the center of gravity of #diplomacy only after it was totally isolated under #Trump. Everyone wants to communicate with Iran now!

4) Iran is gaining popularity and support in the #Arab world as a result of #Israel’s actions. This is the most important part in Iran’s strategy. No one can lead the region without securing the support of the Arab public

5) Currently, Iran is effectively testing the coordinated efforts of its regional arms and proxies, positioning itself to engage in productive negotiations or, if necessary, conflict following the #US elections.

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