
How is Türkiye’s defense industry doing while threats are increasing?

Last Friday, three different defense companies conducted three tests. Robit Teknoloji reported that it had successfully tested its kamikaze drone, called FPV, and that the first exports would be made soon. Roketsan, on the other hand, released test images of its laser weapon named Alka. Alka was developed to shoot down FPV drones. In one day, both the deadly FPV drone and the weapon capable of shooting it down were tested. On the same day, TAI conducted the first firing test of its ANKA-3 UCAV. Needless to say, the test was successful. Our companies are working very well.

Especially in these days when signs of World War III are seen, domestic and national weapons are as valuable as bread and water. If a large-scale war breaks out, they will destroy those caught unprepared. Neither the Western world, its outpost Israel, nor the great powers in the East will pity weak countries. No one should say that we are a NATO country and nothing will happen to us. If Turkey were to go to war with Israel or Greece, whose side would the US, Germany or any other western state take? Believe me, they would kick Turkey out of NATO in a day. Even though there is no expulsion in the NATO Treaty, they will find a way.

And don’t they already cause difficulties in peacetime? Didn’t they block the sale of F-35s because Israel didn’t want them? The S-400s were just an excuse. Anyway, if they had given Patriots, the S-400s would not have been bought. The only goal was to give Israel air superiority in the region and they succeeded. On the other hand, Greece will be given F-35s that we were not given. The Greeks also bought Rafale jets from France. Somebody tell me a country other than Turkey that Greece can use these jets against.

These are embargoes on finished products. If the Germans had given us the tank engine, we would have been using and exporting those tanks by now. They didn’t give us howitzer engines at the time either. The Germans are also not selling Eurofighter jets. They are also not sending the parts that Siemens sold and paid for to be used in Akkuyu. In general, all western countries are embargoed.

If you pay attention, all those who imposed the embargoes are NATO allies. In other words, if there is a war, we will fight together on the same front. However, it seems that our allies are not trying to make us stronger, they are trying to make us weaker. Because they did not accept us as we are as a nation, race and culture. Some of us tried to be like them, but they still failed.

However, as I mentioned above, our defense companies are working well and have recently increased their speed, whether by instruction or initiative is unknown. This is the age of technology, and countries with better weapons win wars. At the moment, our companies are struggling to produce engines, which are the most difficult parts. The engines for UCAVs, helicopters and missiles are complete. What remains are the engines for larger weapons such as jets and tanks. It will take five years for them to enter full inventory.

We have not yet become fully self-sufficient in the defense industry, but we are not far from full sufficiency. We owe this to our state elders who started the domestic and national defense industry, and to the companies and veterans who have devoted themselves to this work. They laid the foundation for today 20 years ago. But we still have five years to go. In five years we will be in a completely different place. If we had started 10 years ago instead of 20 years ago, we would have had to wait 15 years, and if we had started now, we would have had to wait 25 years. We should also congratulate our President and all the other veterans who have played a role in bringing us to this day, not after a war/disaster, but at a time when the threats were not so great. Because thanks to them, we are safe from enemies and even friends.

Auto translated from yeniakit.com.tr 

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