
How to interpret standing ovation for Netanyahu in US Congress?

WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 24: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint meeting of Congress in the chamber of the House of Representatives at the U.S. Capitol on July 24, 2024 in Washington, DC. Netanyahu’s visit occurs as the Israel-Hamas war reaches nearly ten months. A handful of Senate and House Democrats boycotted the remarks over Israel’s treatment of Palestine. (Photo by Kent Nishimura/Getty Images)

When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the US Congress, 400 congressmen reportedly applauded him 79 times, 58 of them standing. Much can be written about this cheering, regardless of whether what Netanyahu said was right or wrong.

First of all, it goes without saying that even in the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, the Israeli leader would not be applauded this much. Since Netanyahu is the leader of a minority party, there are more people who don’t like his policies than those who do. He is even booed when he speaks in the Knesset. But when the same Netanyahu speaks in the American Congress, all but a few opposition MPs give him a standing ovation. The Jewish lobbying organization AIPAC probably even keeps a record of those who don’t stand up. On the other hand, even an American leader like Biden or Trump cannot get 58 standing ovations when he gives a speech. Because in the American parliament, as in almost all parliaments in the world, there are opposition parties, it is not possible for most of the deputies to applaud a person, especially a foreign dignitary, that many times.

Second, Netanyahu was more like a European king visiting a colonial country than the president of another state. Think of the British king visiting a colonial country. The king comes to parliament and gets a standing ovation for minutes. Nobody can say “you are exploiting us”. If someone protests against the king, who knows what will happen to him. The king, on the other hand, considers the country he is visiting as his property and deserves respect. Netanyahu’s speech at the congress gave the impression that Israel is a European colonial country and America is a colony.

America has indeed become a colony. The 400 congressmen applauded Netanyahu for a reason. Almost all of them, regardless of party, have received between $100,000 and $10 million in donations from Jewish lobbies like AIPAC. An Arab proverb says, “Man is the slave of kindness.” If you do someone a favor, that person feels indebted to you and will do whatever you ask. American congressmen do whatever Israel tells them to do. If they don’t, there is a good chance they will not be re-elected. Therefore, they do whatever Israel says in exchange for money and office. With all due respect, this is slavery.

In fact, there are Americans who are not slaves, but their numbers in Congress are very small. It is because of this small number that the Israelis can get anything through Congress. It is estimated that a dollar spent on lobbying can sometimes return as much as 30 thousand dollars. Indeed, the Israel lobby spends maybe 100 million dollars a year on American politicians, but this year alone they received more than 20 billion dollars in aid for Israel.

Third, the fact that Israel has made almost every member of Congress give Netanyahu a standing ovation over and over again should be alarming for other countries. Especially those countries that consider themselves friends and allies of America should know that they will always be behind Israel in the rankings.

No one can deny that American politicians, who are being held captive, prefer Israel to any other country and will declare any country that would harm Israel as an enemy and harm it. For example, the reason why the United Arab Emirates was not sold the F-35 was because Israel opposed it. It is also Israel that prevents the sale of F-35s to Turkey. If the US is attacking the Houthis in Yemen, it is because Israel wants it to. As you know, Turkey is a NATO country and therefore a military ally of the US. But if Turkey and Israel go to war, it will take Israel’s side. If the Arab countries unite again and fight Israel, they will find America against them. Therefore, America’s alliance with other countries begins when Israel gives its consent and ends when Israel refuses.

Finally, according to reports, Netanyahu has received US approval to attack Lebanon. Israel is obviously pushing the limits of its power and trying to spread the war across the region. It is highly likely that we will see even countries that are unlikely to go to war entering the war, and perhaps Turkey will be among them.

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