
If you win, you need not explain your murders

Winning means not having to justify your crimes


Hitler’s belief that success is the ultimate judge of right and wrong allowed him to carry out his brutal acts against the Jewish people. His lack of belief in God and eternal truth fueled his hatred towards the Jewish faith, leading to unimaginable horrors. The notion that losers should not stick around to explain themselves was a twisted advice from the ruthless dictator. Now, Benjamin Netanyahu is following in Hitler’s footsteps with his oppressive actions against Palestinians, supported by European and American leaders. Netanyahu’s goal of expanding Israel’s territory through war is alarming many analysts, who fear a nuclear confrontation. The potential consequences of such actions could lead to a catastrophic end. This dangerous path may compel neighboring countries to pursue their own nuclear weapons for deterrence. The region faces instability and the threat of conflict due to the reckless actions of a few individuals. Ultimately, those who perpetrate evil acts will have to answer for their crimes, as history has shown that they will not ultimately succeed. Hitler did not, and neither will they.

“When we have won the war, who will question our methods? What luck for the rulers that men don’t think. Success is the sole earthly judge of right and wrong.”

Yeah! These were Hitler’s words. He did not believe in God; there was no eternal truth for him. There was no Day of Reckoning for him, no Judgment Day. He hated Jewish people for their commitment to their faith. So he could, and did, kill and burn Jews he so hated.

Some sources also add to his disgusting, despicable wretched pontification: “If you lose, you should not be there to explain!” It is the right advice a ruthless dictator and a killing machine could give to his ilk. True to his own advice, when he lost, he was not there. Not only did he lose, but all the German people, who docilely followed him to an imaginary victory, also lost. Almost all of the Western Europeans who crammed their own Jewish people into trains and sent them to Hitler’s gas rooms and furnaces were his accessories.

Hitler must surely have gone to the lowest of the low in Hell, but his supporters are here. They are now helping The Hitler Reincarnated in Philistia, Judea and Samaria: Binyamin Mileikowsky, aka, Benjamin Netanyahu. Europeans and Americans all think that if they grit their teeth and be a little patient until the wrath of millions of their young folks calms down, Netanyahu will turn to peace. They expect that Netanyahu will successfully cleanse Palestinians from the land known as Palestine which has peacefully been the homeland for millions of Muslims, Christians and Jews, Semites and non-Semites.

European and American leaders think that Netanyahu’s genocide has already been normalized, that is, reduced to a perception of “somewhat excessive use of the power of Israel but still within the limits of self-defense of a nation against terrorism.” The Western leaders hope that young pro-Palestinian demonstrators will simmer down when their schoolwork begins grilling them. It is only a matter of public relations management.

All those Europeans, objecting, in a tongue-in-cheek fashion, Netanyahu’s attempt to create another Gaza Strip in southern Lebanon under the disguise of fighting against Iran’s proxy terrorism, are in fact approving his war plans. Netanyahu has started to implement their blueprint for Redesigning the Middle East.

The original plan was developed by the Neocon cabal the 43rd U.S. President George W. Bush hired as his defense and diplomacy team even before the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. However, in his haste not to lose the support of Arab and Muslim people in the region, Bush uttered the blasphemous words. He said he supports the “two-state solution” in Palestine. Also, Israel had been excluded from the “Coalition of the Willing,” an unprecedented international coalition consisting of NATO allies and the Middle Eastern countries of Saudi Arabia, Syria and Egypt to oppose Iraqi aggression. The point here is that, despite the fact that it has been the recipient of the largest military aid and support from the U.S., Israel could not help the U.S. as its only “democratic partner in the area.”

As a matter of fact, Israel, the unconditional ally and the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since its founding, has received about $310 billion in total economic and military packages. Since 1971, nearly all U.S. aid has been going to support Israel’s military, the most advanced in the region. Yet, the tail wags the dog! Its latest hokeypokey maneuver to wag the American dog. Israel is about to drag the U.S. into a fight that Americans are not looking for. Almost all geopolitical analysts, professor J. Mearsheimer, G. Friedman, P. Zeihan, I. Pappe and Y. Varoufakis, among others, are afraid that Israel is about to expand its war to pave the way to what Jews believe is the land promised to them by God; or in more secular terms to “Greater Israel.”

Some scholars believe that a Jewish State occupying the Gaza Strip, West Sheria, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights already constitutes Greater Israel, but according to some interpretation of the falsified Torah, it’s defined as the area between the Nile and the Euphrates rivers. (A note for the Promised Land apologists: It is not the Mediterranean and the Sharia River when you say, “between the two waters.” And the rightmost water starts at Mount Dumlu in Türkiye, not in Iraq!)

I don’t think that NeoCons, who wholeheartedly buy into Netanyahu’s Grand Redesign scheme, believe even halfheartedly in the mapping session between Moses and God regarding the borders of a future Jewish State. Yet they think that a “secular” Kurdish state under the leadership of the separatist terrorists from Türkiye would be one of the end results of Netanyahu’s regional war. Not that Victoria Nuland and her husband Robert Kagan, the Neo-Conservatives par excellence, are particularly fond of PKK terrorists and their extensions in Iraq and Syria; but they hope the creation of a so-called Kurdish state in the lands pinched from Iraq and Syria would help them to dismember Türkiye and Iran, too.

But neo or ancient conservatives, individualist and egalitarian liberals, every American who believes in the nations’ right to determine their fate, should also know this: Their country is being played like a fiddle by Netanyahu in his catastrophic escalation supremacy game, in which he has to end up in resorting a nuclear weapon irrespective of it being clean or dirty, limited or decapitating.

If this is the situation, as almost all geopolitical analysts from left to right and newspaper columnists point at the danger of a forthcoming nuclear disaster, no matter where and how devastating it is going to be, it means that the U.S. has lost its deterrent power. Israel had joined the Nuclear Club in spite of President John F. Kennedy’s strong opposition to its development of nuclear capabilities. Kennedy paid the price of his attitude with his life, and Israel developed nuclear capabilities (perhaps with stolen uranium from the U.S. according to Scott Johnson). The whole idea behind having a nuclear weapon is not to use it but to prevent war because of the fear it carries. If you foolishly start a war using an equally devastating weapon against a nuclear nation, actually you are initiating the end of the world. (Please read Annie Jacobsen’s almost realistic scenario to see how easy it is to be a fool.)

Turkish satirist Aziz Nesin used to say, “All that we feared happened to us because we were not afraid of what happened to us.” Consequently, Saudi Arabia, Türkiye, Jordan and Egypt can see that if what they were afraid would happen could actually happen, they might (I daresay, they should) feel compelled to create their own deterrence by developing their own nuclear weapon programs.

Then the already unstable region will have a new dynamic to deal with. No nation, neither Iraqi, Syrian, Iranian nor Turkish would like to sacrifice the territorial integrity of their country to the idiocy of a handful of religious zealots in Israel and ideologues in the U.S. They should be sure of one thing: they will have to explain their murders because they are not going to win. Humanity has made it clear that no matter how hard they try, those with evil in their hearts will never win.

Hitler couldn’t. Could he?


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About the author

Hakki Ocal

Hakki Ocal

Hakkı Öcal is a columnist at both Daily Sabah and Milliyet newspapers, which are based in Istanbul. He is also an advisor to the President of Ibn Haldun University.

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