
Non-western social media platforms not tolerated in the West

Crackdown on non-US and generally non-European social media platforms continue. France has detained Pavel Durov, the owner of Telegram. Durov was allegedly kept in custody for not censoring crimes committed by Israel in Telegram.

Israeli lobby has achieved to castrate Twitter (X) after pressuring on Elon Musk. Since then, pro-Palestine posts are less seen on Twitter while Israeli propaganda has reached its peak. In addition, the lobby forced American congressmen to ban TikTok in America or sell it to Jewish businessmen. The Chinese TikTok was given six months to decide.

On the other hand, Instagram, Facebook and Whatsapp already support Israel as the owner Mark Zuckerberg is of Jewish origin. Jewish diaspora staunchly supports the genocide in Gaza.

Social media platforms quickly spread crimes across the world. Those committing crimes complain about being busted by individuals with mobile phones. Particularly Israel is quite disturbed by its deteriorating image in the world. As a solution, it tries to silence independent platforms.

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