
Pager attack: Israel deeply inside Hezbollah

A large amount of ammonium nitrate had exploded in August 4, 202o, killing 218 people. While Israel did not take responsibility for the blast, almost anyone believes that Israeli intelligence was behind it.

Four years later, pagers that Hezbollah members were using exploded via a remote command. It has been revealed that Israeli intelligence implanted explosive substance into devices while they were in factory in Taiwan. More than 10 people were killed while 300 people got injured.


Analysts say that Israeli intelligence infiltrated into Hezbollah organization so deeply that Israel knows every step of the group before taken. It also surveils what the group buys from abroad. Therefore, both ammonium nitrate blast and yesterday’s attack were conducted thanks to prior information, they add.

While such a cyber-attack is the first in warfare history, more surprising attacks are expected from Israel which continuously seeks for new ways to eliminate its enemies.

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