
Pro-Iran provocateurs storm into Azerbaijani embassy in London

A group of pro-Iran Shiite provocateurs  seized Azerbaijani embassy in London for a short time.  The extremist group was revealed to be The Union of Servants of the Mahdi.  The group is also known  Twelver Shiites. The illegal organization stated that it had been directed by its leader to take urgent action against Aliyev.

But analysts say Azerbaijan has no  contention with Iran.

They tossed Azerbaijani flag from the balcony and put some Shiite stuff there. Azerbaijani flag was restored to the embassy later by embassy staff.

Both Azerbaijani and Iranian communities adhere Shiite theology but Iran supports Armenia against Azerbaijan. The enmity enrages Muslims world and causes fury against Iran. The support is regarded as Tehran regime’s treason to Shiite and generally Muslim world. Turkic world, particularly Türkiye,  reacts Iran’s anti-Azerbaijan agenda fiercely.



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