
Remains of Khashoggi (case)

Jamal Khashoggi was one of the most unlucky journalists of Arab world as he was a citizen of Saudi Arabia whose Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman (MBS) controls the administration even though his father, King Salman, is still incumbent. MBS is a controversial man who tries to re-brand his country by modernization (Westernization) on the one hand, tortures and kills his subjects on the other hand. Perhaps, someone whispered to his ears that the only way to re-form a country is to use coercion, with reference to renaissance process of Europe in the Medieval Era. Yet, what he has done in last two years reminds us Soviet era when people were killed, exiled or deprived of basic rights for the sake of establishing a communist state for people (!)

Khashoggi was killed in Saudi Consulate based in Istanbul in October 2 and his remains are yet to be found since Saudis insist on not giving his dead body, a behavior as ridiculous and amateur as the murder. If you killed someone, you know where remains are and the ethical act to be done is to bury them or give Turkish authorities. Leave aside immorality, as long as Khashoggi’s remains are unfound, pressure on Saudi government will continue but it seems they are not aware of it.

On the other hand, if American media was not in pursuit of what happened to Khashoggi, the case would probably be forgotten within a few days. Whether they really care of a non-American journalist’s death or they just aim to put pressure on Trump is not clear but their hanging the murder to their headlines make people to pay attention to the event. Another actor that keeps the incident hot is Turkish government, particularly President Erdogan. Turkey could not tolerate Khashoggi’s murder on its soils and leaked all information it has gradually in order to force Saudis to confess that they killed the prominent journalist. Needless to say, Khashoggi was killed with the order of MBS who wants to silence all opposing voices including members of the House of Saud. So, Turkey wants MBS to be charged for the murder and inform the world about the instigator.

Not surprisingly, what is pity in Khashoggi case is America’s silence and ostensible behaviors. Unfortunately, President Trump declared from the first day that they don’t want to lose huge Saudi arms orders for the death of a journalist. Despite that the press presses on him, he just pretends to deal with the case. All statements, visits or actions of Trump administration indicate that they wish this case to be forgotten as soon as possible. No concrete attempts to uncover perpetrators or sanction Saudis have been taken and there might be none in the future. Currently, CIA Director Gina Haspel is in Turkey to collect evidences but our impression is that she will not use them against Saudi Kingdom but cover them if she can or keep them for future blackmailing.

Unfortunately, Jamal Khashoggi is about to be a victim of power interests. The countdown is in favor of killers and those turning a blind eye on the murder. Absolute power will win against absolute morality again. Remains of Khahhoggi will remain vanished, and not remains but evidences will be buried. Furthermore, those holding power will still rule over the discourse about human rights. What a pity!

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