
Stop Arms Sales to Israel to Support Palestinians, Says MEP

A European Parliament Member urges the EU to halt arms sales to Israel, accusing European countries, including Ireland, of complicity in Palestinian violence

A European Parliament Member has called on the EU to take a strong stance against Israel by halting arms sales in a passionate appeal regarding the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The MEP argued that EU countries, including her own nation of Ireland, are enabling the violence in Palestine by continuing to sell weapons to Israel. She compared this to handing a gun to a dangerous individual, then expressing shock when that person commits violent acts. According to her, this behavior makes European countries complicit in the deaths of innocent people.

“Ireland is no better,” she stated, expressing shame that her country appears to support Palestine on the surface but falls short in meaningful action. She criticized the Irish government for failing to back the Occupied Territories Bill and for allowing the transit of military equipment through its airspace. Moreover, she condemned Ireland’s ongoing cooperation with the U.S. military at Shannon Airport, calling it hypocritical.

The MEP emphasized that there are significant steps the EU and Ireland could take to pressure Israel, including suspending trade agreements and banning arms sales. However, she lamented that economic interests and political alliances with the U.S. often outweigh ethical considerations.

In her final remarks, she underscored the moral responsibility of both Ireland and the EU to stop supporting actions that lead to the suffering of Palestinian civilians. Her time ran out before she could continue, but her point was clear: decisive action is needed to end the ongoing violence.

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