Since novel Corona virus rocked the world upside down with its speedy infection rate, face masks became the most vital and scarce tool to fight back. The...
Tag - Turkey
During the last decade, Turkey came face to face with serious crises, unprecedented in Turkish history. Some of these crises were composed of systematic...
Le ministère des affaires étrangères italien a déclaré, lundi à la presse italienne, qu’un accord a été trouvé avec la Turquie concernant les livraisons, à...
Depuis le début de la propagation du virus, l’approvisionnement en masques de protection et en gel désinfectant est devenu un enjeu majeur pour les nations...
Many progressives, especially those who criticize everything President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan does, do far better than conservatives at framing events in a way...
Turkey’s Operation Spring Shield shows that a just war can be waged with minimum civilian casualties. On 27 February 2020, a deadly airstrike was...
The last Thursday’s Turco-Russian agreement in Moscow highlighted the stormy relationship between the two countries. The bilateral relations have never been so...
Nearly 200,000 refugees have so far left Turkey for various European countries since the former opened its borders last week. The EU authorities, however, keep...
Whether deliberate or not, the West and Russia miscalculate Turkey’s concerns in northern Syria and beyond U.S. and European Union leaders are trying to...
Bashar al-Assad’s father Hafez al-Assad became the president of Syria through a coup in the 70’s, and the Syrian people have been facing levels of maltreatment...