
The crucial element of Türkiye’s Steel Dome: Aselsan’s Hisar O 100

One of the crucial elements of Türkiye’s Steel Dome will be Aselsan’s Hisar O 100 missile system.

HİSAR O+ Medium Range Air Defense Missile System is dedicated
to air defense of Stationary Forces and Critical Assets against:
• Fighters
• Helicopters
• UAVs
• Cruise Missiles
• Air to Surface Missiles
performs target detection, classification, identification,
tracking, command & control and fire control functions in a
distributed and flexible architecture.
Battery consists of battery level FCC, battery level
Radar, Electro-Optical System, TDLCS and Missile Launching
Systems. HİSAR O+
Battery has the capability of target detection,
tracking, identification and performing command & control and
fire control functions autonomously.
is organized in battalion level and consists of battalion
level Fire Control Center (Battalion FCC), battalion level Radar, three
Batteries, Tactical Data Link Connection System and
Support Vehicles. Battalion FCC produces Integrated Air Picture
using track information provided by battalion level Radar and Air
Defense Batteries in the Battalion, performs threat evaluation and
assignment for Batteries.
HİSAR O+ Medium Range Air Defense Missile System is state of
the art technology and has open HW&SW architecture for utilizing
future technology.

• Effective Air Defense Execution with Distributed Architecture
and Flexible Deployment
• Air Defense mission planning at battery and battalion level
• Management and distribution of command and control
• Integrated air picture generation
• Target Interception with IIR and RF Missiles
• 360° Threat Destruction via Vertical Launcher
• Multiple engagement and successive firing
• Data Link for midcourse guidance
• Operation in day, night and adverse weather conditions
• Global positioning system and navigation
• Remote control
• Wired or wireless communication between systems
• Work in coordination with Turkish Air/Naval/Land Forces
command and control units using Link 1/Link 11B/Link 16
tactical data links and JREAP
• Automatic target tracking and shooting with using EO sensors
• Identification Friend or Foe (IFF)
• Threat Evaluation and Weapon Assignment
• Multi Target, Multi Radar Fusion
• Embedded Simulation
• Built-in test, Effective ILs and maintenance
• System Interception Range : 25 km
• Ready-to-Fire Missile : ≥ 18 (Battery Level)
≥ 54 (Battalion Level)
• Fighter Detection&Track Range : 40-60 km
• Number of Tracks : > 60 targets

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