
The language used while rapproaching Assad

Turkish government has recently taken some steps towards normalization with Syria. After President Erdoğan said that it would be possible to meet with Assad again as before, other statements complemented this statement. The most interesting and strange one was the General Staff’s comment that ‘we are the country that contributes the most to the territorial integrity of Syria’. If we did not know that the YPG holds a significant part of Syria in its hands, we would say what do you care about the territorial integrity of Syria, but since we know what they mean, we will only criticize the language used. In our opinion, the point could have been made in a different language.

Before discussing the style in general, we would like to remind that even if the state makes peace, we as individuals do not have to make peace, we will not praise a murderer like Assad, or we will not hesitate to use the heaviest expressions about him. Since states have no feelings, they can make peace with whomever they want and fight with whomever they want. However, after so many massacres, people cannot change their feelings about a murderer as if nothing had happened. Our feelings do not change either.

On the other hand, there are some problems, especially in the discourse, in the process initiated by our state for reconciliation. For example, it is questionable whether the soft language used by President Erdoğan is necessary. We have no doubt that our President does not like the murderer Assad. However, since the current relations are not sustainable, the YPG is getting stronger and it is understood that Assad is not going to go away, he is in favor of the normalization of relations. However, despite the President’s peaceful language, Assad’s arrogant behavior as if he is right, his failure to use a similar soft language and even his behavior of selling himself at a high price give him credibility and take away a little from our President’s reputation.

On the other hand, it is certain that the new page has been turned in order to solve the migrant and terrorist problems. If these two issues are solved, the government will be relieved, but it should not be forgotten that Assad does not have the power to solve terrorism. Moreover, Assad is so hostile to Turkey that he prefers the YPG to Turkey, let alone clashing with it. Therefore, it is doubtful whether making peace with Assad will solve the terrorism problem.

So is the migrant problem. Syrians do not favor peace because they are afraid that Assad will persecute them again. Indeed, so many people cannot be handed over to Assad. There is no deterrent for Assad not to harm them. The only person who can stop the aforementioned murderer in Damascus is Putin. If Putin does not guarantee this, any peace attempt through Russia will be in vain. Therefore, the foundation for a lasting peace should be laid with Putin before Assad, and whatever promises the Russians have made, the government should share them with the public. In particular, if there are promises to end the fear of Syrians, these should be shared. As of now, only Assad will be happy with the peace process and even he does not show a pro-peace attitude and wants to be pursued.

Moreover, contrary to the claims of the opposition, the migrant problem in Turkey is not as big as it used to be and the migrant population is decreasing (whether this is a good thing in the economic context should also be questioned). In time, it seems certain that the current migrants will migrate to Syria or other countries. On the other hand, even if peace is made with Assad, some of them will somehow stay. There are migrants in every country in the world and there will be migrants in Turkey too. Even if the most racist party in Turkey is in power, it cannot prevent this.

In fact, the problem would be even smaller if the racists who magnify the migrant problem with false news were dealt with. It should be remembered that the presence of migrants had no effect on the results of the last election. So if the racist giant mirrors don’t make the problem look bigger, it will be realised that there is nothing to worry about. In this case, the best solution would be to throw a cloth over the mirrors.

Nevertheless, if one wants to make peace with Assad, one can. However, a little more attention can be paid to the style used against a dictator. Let the lion behave like a lion because the jackal is only afraid of his roar.

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