
The rostrum of the Turkish parliament became the conscience of humanity

By Zeki Korkutata/ Ak Party MP (Türkiye)

Many Western writers and statesmen have tried to separate and terrorize the Gaza Strip and Hamas from Palestine. Mahmoud Abbas, on the other hand, has declared that the Hamas-led resistance is part of the Palestinian resistance.

For us, the cause of a free and independent Palestine is a blessed legacy passed down from generation to generation. With the courageous invitation of our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, we welcomed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Turkey and in our Veterans Assembly, and once again expressed our belief that we will continue to march with determination for the future of this great cause. Turkey’s support for the Palestinian cause will stand firm tomorrow as it does today.

85 million support this cause

On August 15, 2024, we witnessed a historic session in our Veteran Assembly, the conscience and voice of humanity, with the participation of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Before Mahmoud Abbas’ speech, GNAT Speaker Prof. Dr. Numan Kurtulmuş once again announced to the whole world that the Palestinian issue is a national cause for Turkey with his historic speech. Kurtulmuş emphasized that we inherited the land of Palestine and the holy city of Jerusalem from Hz. Ömer, Saladin Ayyubi, Suleiman the Magnificent, Sultan Abdülhamid Khan and Hasan Onbaşı from Iğdır. From the rostrum of our Veteran Assembly, the Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly made it clear that Turkey will continue its struggle for Netanyahu and his gang to be punished for genocide in international courts. Kurtulmuş’s words were supported by both the ruling and opposition parties and showed the world that 85 million people support the just cause of Palestine.

The codes of Abbas’ speech

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ speech at the Turkish Grand National Assembly has taken its place in history as a turning point in the Israeli attacks on Gaza. As Abbas stated, from the moment the inhumane massacres began in Gaza, Turkey, both as a state and as a nation, has stood by the oppressed and innocent Palestinian people. In his speech, Abbas stated that Turkey has always protected Jerusalem and the Palestinian territories from the Ottoman period to the present day. Therefore, he announced to the world from the rostrum of the Turkish Grand National Assembly that Turkey has a historical and national responsibility in the Palestinian territories and that no Western power and Israel can deny this. It is very important that under the leadership of Erdoğan, Turkey, with all its institutions and organizations, will continue to be the voice of the Palestinian people, to alleviate their suffering and to fight with all its might to stop Israel’s aggression. While the public opinion in Western countries stands by the Palestinian cause, the governments follow a pro-Israeli policy. In Turkey, on the other hand, both the ruling and opposition parties and civil public opinion support the just cause of Palestine.

The silence of the international community

Mahmoud Abbas emphasized Turkey’s support for the just cause of Palestine and condemned the silence of the international community. He also harshly criticized the US support for Israel directly from our Veteran Assembly.

The Turkish Grand National Assembly once again became the conscience and voice of the anti-war international community. For the first time, Mahmoud Abbas announced from the rostrum of the Grand National Assembly that he and all Palestinian State officials would go to Gaza to stop the bloodshed. As members of the Veterans Assembly, we would like to express our support for the liberation struggle of the Palestinian people and the steps Abbas will take to stop Israeli aggression and bring peace to Gaza. We find the Palestinian President’s emphasis that his life is not more valuable than the life of a child from Gaza in the face of Israeli aggression very important in terms of protecting Islamic, moral and human dignity, and on this occasion, we call on all states that support Israel, especially the United States, to make more efforts for peace.

Abbas declared to the Zionist and occupying Israeli government from the rostrum of the Parliament that they will not abandon the holy Palestinian lands in the face of Israeli aggression and genocide policy. He also stated that the resistance will continue until the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. In this way, he showed that the resistance in Gaza is supported by the entire Palestinian people.

Since 2002, when the AK Party came to power, President Erdoğan has attached great importance to the reconciliation between Palestinian factions. Mahmoud Abbas’ emphasis on this issue and his statement that national reconciliation will be established is important for the future of a strong Palestine.

Another important issue that Abbas emphasized in his speech is that the Gaza Strip is an integral part of an independent Palestinian state. Many Western writers and statesmen try to separate and terrorize the Gaza Strip and Hamas from Palestine. Abbas, on the other hand, emphasized that the resistance led by Hamas is part of the Palestinian resistance.

As a result, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, with his historic speech, declared to the international community that our Veteran Assembly stands by the oppressed peoples of the world. On August 15, 2024, while the rostrum of the Turkish Grand National Assembly stood by the peoples fighting for liberation against occupation, the US Congress, as Numan Kurtulmuş stated, became a partner in the crime committed by applauding the war criminal Netanyahu.

Source: https://www.star.com.tr/acik-gorus/tbmm-kursusu-insanligin-vicdani-oldu-haber-1887780/

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