
“Things Jews do in secret far worse than those caught”

By Aiden Hunter

Martin Luther once said that the things jews do in secret are far worse than the things we’ve caught them doing.

If we had hidden cameras in jewish homes and synagogues, and if we played that footage to the world, I suspect that even the most battle hardened men would find it difficult to watch.

In 2016, there were rumors that when the NYPD viewed the content of Anthony Weiner’s laptop, it caused seasoned law enforcement officers to vomit and lose sleep.

Jews are the only race that has been accused for centuries, independently by people on different continents, of grotesque ritual murder and other horrific deeds that I can’t describe here.

The fact that jews always accuse Gentiles of what they themselves do should, therefore, give us serious pause because jews may be signaling exactly they’re doing in the privacy of their homes and synagogues.

Only jews could easily and quickly imagine such things, for instance, as 40 babies beheaded, babies cooked in ovens, and pregnant women slashed with their infants ripped out, because jews themselves have been doing exactly those things to Palestinians. There is no doubt in my mind.

The number of missing Palestinian children will probably never be known. Nor may we ever know what jews do to them when nobody is around to document it.

I promise you this: Martin Luther was right. The things that jews are doing in secret and getting away with are indeed much, much worse than the things we’ve caught them doing.

From engineered famines to assassinations, I’m convinced we’ve only scratched the surface of the monstrous evil jews have committed all around the world.

As I write this, I can imagine the screams of Gentile children pleading with us to save them. I pray that someday we have the spiritual strength to ditch our comforts and rouse ourselves to action.

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