
Turkey Eyes Top Three in Health Tourism After Coronavirus Success Ramped up its Image

Turkey’s health infrastructure turned into a world brand after it successfully fought Covid-19 pandemic comparing to several developed western nations. Turkey now aims to enter the top three in 100 billion dollar health global tourism by 2023 the centennial of modern Turkey.

India tops the list of countries benefiting from the sector with 40 percent of the share. Turkey banked in $8 billions in revenues in 2019 from the industry. But the bar has been set high fir the upcoming years thanks to county’s hailed fight against the coronavirus pandemic. The sector representatives believe Turkey can earn more than $20 billion by 2023 Turkey’s english language newspaper Hurriyet Daily News reported.

Köksal Holoğlu, director of development of the Turkish Health Tourism Society, points Turkey’s advantages in the competition with other countries.

“Turkey has 1.5 billion people living in 4 hours of flying distance and our work is in line with international standards,” Hologlu said. He also reiterated that Turkey has high-quality health facilities and offers reasonable prices.

“The numbers of tomography centers solely in Istanbul are more than the number of them in the entire United Kingdom,” he added.

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