
Türkiye’s PR victory in the search for Iran’s Raisi after the crash


‘The Turkish defence company and the whole industry can be very happy about the free publicity. When Iranian CB Raisi called, he showed the world how far ahead the country is in IHA technology.

Apart from Türkiye, only Israel and the USA have Hale-Dron (‘high altitude, long endurance’) capability.

Iran had officially requested Türkiye’s help. In addition to Akıncı, Turkey also sent a helicopter with night vision capability.

Thanks to AA’s live broadcasts over X and Flightradar24 platform, Akıncı’s mission was followed instantly by the world.
When he completed his mission and returned to the borders of the country, he drew the Moon and Star on Lake Van and greeted his followers and 1919, when the fire of the war of liberation was lit.

Establishing an independent, high-tech defence industry is Erdogan’s long-term goal for Turkey as a regional power. UAV technology and Baykar are in a key position here. Turkish aircraft are in high demand in the world market.
Baykar alone exports to more than 30 countries. After Azerbaijan and Ukraine, this search operation will increase the reputation of the Turkish manufacturer.

The technological superiority over the neighbouring country [Iran] has become obvious. Iran may be able to produce cheap drones for Russia, but Türkiye is playing at the top of the world in this field’.

Apart from the prestige and publicity of the search mission, there was another possible benefit. Akinci also flew over military bases near Tabriz on its way to the region.
Akinci’s reconnaissance technology is not just about heat sensitive cameras.’

Source: nzz.ch and @volkancordan


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