
Turkish company to produce wind turbines in Malta

Maltese Prime Minister Robert Abela announced that GIMAS, a Turkish company, will invest €7.5 million in a plant in Malta from which it will manufacture wind turbines.

According to TWM News, this plant will be the first one that the company will open outside of Turkey, and will be creating 44 jobs on a full-time basis in the first 3 years.

The investment will be made on an area of 10,000 square meters of land in the Ħal Far Industrial Estate and will include a training academy.

The company also plans to increase the investment to €10 million after a number of years.

GIMAS has been founded since 1976 and produces, among others, nuclear energy, and renovates old plants with a specialization in innovative projects dealing with green energy.

When announcing this investment, Prime Minister Robert Abela said that this investment will continue to strengthen the industry and create jobs, among others, for engineers and technicians.

The Prime Minister called today the beginning of an era in terms of green technology, and said that this will be done in an area full of life with factories that are producing, among others, equipment in robotics and packaging of advanced machines, and only a short distance from where an Indian pharmaceutical company will be starting operations in the near future.

He said that the gaming sector is also consolidating itself with the expansion of a crucial company, that has just announced that it will be employing another 700 people.

The Prime Minister said that the Government is working for the country to seize the opportunities created by climate change and recalled the National Policy for Offshore Energy.

He added that the economy is facing unprecedented growth, a phase he said will be important for long-term sustainability.

For his part, Minister for the Economy Silvio Schembri said that this is a big leap for Malta, which is being chosen as the first investment destination for this company.

He recalled that the Government has always believed in turning challenges into opportunities, including the green transition, and the company itself is a beacon of this transition.

Minister Schembri said that the investment will create opportunities and will put Malta at the forefront in relation to the green transition.

He praised the fact that the factory will have an academy that teaches, among others, welding, and said that it will also be running parallel to the reopening of trade schools in Malta, as already announced by the Government.

On his part GIMAS Chairperson Bekir Girgin remarked that this is not only the beginning of a project, but also a new start for the company and for cooperation between Malta and Turkey.

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