
Turkish drone maker Baykar Tech to compete with Starlink

Selçuk Bayraktar announced that they will send a satellite team to low orbit for ‘national GPS’, as in Musk’s Starlink project.

Baykar Chairman Selçuk Bayraktar announced the next project after Kızılelma, saying ‘everything is ready’: We will launch a low-orbit satellite team. Two are ready. The target is 100 satellites.

Baykar Chairman Selçuk Bayraktar stated that a low-orbit satellite team will be launched to create a global positioning system, and said, “Having a global positioning system is very important and strategic in terms of our sovereignty.” Speaking at TRT Haber’s live broadcast, Bayraktar shared the details of the project carried out by Fergani Space Company.

Stating that two satellites have been built so far within the scope of the project, Bayraktar emphasized that the ultimate goal is to establish a system of approximately 100 satellites. Bayraktar said, “Actually, the launch was postponed. We were ready, we built our two satellites. There will be about 100 satellites. This will be a satellite constellation and a new generation global positioning system. In a sense, this is our independence in the skies. Having a global positioning system is very important and strategic in terms of our sovereignty.”

Emphasizing that the project is within the scope of the National Space Program, Bayraktar continued his words as follows: “We make the financial resources required for these systems with the income we receive from our unmanned aerial vehicles. The work ends in the minds and hearts. In a sense, the embodiment of the work done has also awakened self-confidence in our nation. The feeling of ‘we cannot do it’ has disappeared. There are now discussions on ‘how can we do it, how can we become a leader in the world’.”

Selçuk Bayraktar watched the rocket competition held at the Tuz Lake Hisar Shooting Range, where 80 finalist teams competed in 7 categories. Bayraktar chatted with the competitors.


Starlink is a constellation of satellites that aims to provide global internet coverage. Starlink, an initiative of Elon Musk’s company SpaceX, consists of satellites in low earth orbit to provide high-speed internet services. Starlink came to the fore again after the February 6 earthquake in Turkey, centered in Kahramanmaras, which caused severe devastation. Each satellite in the Starlink constellation weighs 260 kg. Starlink has 6290 operating satellites.


Auto translated from aksam.com.tr 

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