
UCAVs, real and fake heroes

Drones have been and will continue to be on the agenda for a long time as they facilitate both civilian life and military combat. Happily, Turkish UCAVs or a Turkish person with a success story in this field is the main figure in most of the agenda topics related to drones. Let’s take two examples from last week.

A TAI-made Aksungur UCAV flying over Kirkuk in Iraq was shot down on the orders of an Iraqi general. Aksungur was flying in Iraq with the approval of the Baghdad government to fight the PKK. You know, the PKK, the terrorist organization that the Iraqi general cannot remove from its territory… In a way, the UCAV was doing what the Iraqi general was supposed to do, namely fighting terrorism on behalf of the Iraqi army. However, instead of thanking the Turkish army for the fight, the Iraqi general was boasting that he shot down the UCAV. Perhaps the general considers the Turkish army and air forces, which are trying to clear the invading terrorist organization, as invaders. Heedlessness does not listen to titles.

Fortunately, the Iraqi government arrested the general and did what was necessary. And it did well. If the general had not been dismissed, Turkey would have lost only one UCAV, while Iraq would perhaps have lost the Development Road on which it had pinned so much hope. It is a contradiction to shoot down a Turkish UCAV and at the same time want the Development Road to pass through Turkey. Baghdad did not make this mistake and confirmed its support for Turkey in the fight against terrorism by dismissing the general as an apology. Meanwhile, the aforementioned general is allegedly linked to the Iranian-aligned Hashd al-Shaabi. In this case, in a way, Iran shot down the UCAV.

While everyone was expecting Iran to take revenge on Israel in order to get rid of the embarrassment, Iran took revenge on the Turkish UCAV. The regime in Tehran acts according to the strength of its adversary. If the enemy is America and Israel, it does not even mobilize its affiliated organizations. If it is a relatively strong state like Turkey, it attacks through proxy organizations. If the enemy is smaller, it destroys it. Iran is such a country. It plays imperialist games in other countries while even its own leader is not safe in Tehran.

Another news about drones is that Selçuk Bayraktar has become the highest taxpayer. Nothing that Mr. Selçuk and his brother Haluk do for the benefit of the country is surprising anymore. We do not know which other two brothers have done what these two brothers have done for this country. Both of them have been and continue to be models for this society.

But being good comes at a price. For years they have been subjected to a lot of black propaganda to prevent them from receiving incentives. Time and time again they have had to stop what they were doing to respond to the slander – which must surely be demoralizing. They have no intention of receiving incentives. But if they did, it would be as halal as their mother’s milk. Incentives are certain exemptions granted by the state in return for an investment. For example, if you commit to employing 2000 people, the state will not charge you SSI premiums or taxes for a while. Because at the end of the day, the winners are the state, the people and the company. But there is a group of people who do not make the state or the people win just so that Baykar does not win, and this group has succeeded in putting the brakes on the Bayraktar brothers with psychological warfare.

The aforementioned group neither produces nor enjoys those who produce. The reason is more or less obvious; while the people they have been calling reactionaries for years are competing with the world in technology, they are still wasting time with statues, an industry of thousands of years ago. People are not stupid. They know that a drone is not the same as a statue. The drone maker is more advanced. The sculptors are lagging behind. Here the Bayraktar brothers have done them a great disservice(!) by exposing their backwardness. Neither waltz, nor modern clothes, nor operas can cover up backwardness. That is why they are satisfied by attacking.

This is all we have to write about drones. To summarize, drones brought a fake hero in Iraq and a real hero in Turkey to the agenda last week.


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