
War is Imminent! Jews Are Coming Step by Step

The text explores the possibility of the Great War in the Amik Plain of Hatay, questioning its exact location and relating it to Syria. It discusses the complicity of global powers in ignoring atrocities, the Zionist perspective on non-Jews, and various interpretations of Islamic eschatology, emphasizing vigilance and unity among Muslims in the face of potential conflict.

Summary: The text discusses the anticipated occurrence of the **Melhame-i Kübra**, or Great War, in the Amik Plain of Hatay, suggesting a deeper examination of this claim. It questions whether the Amik Plain referenced is indeed in Hatay, positing that the actual location might be related to Syria, particularly near Damascus. The author emphasizes the notion that these lands have been divinely promised but are currently occupied, allowing justifications for extreme actions.

The narrative connects this potential war to ongoing atrocities, particularly in Gaza, where widespread violence against innocent people is taking place. It reflects on the complicity of global powers, especially the West, in ignoring these massacres, suggesting that such actions are driven by a belief among some evangelicals to hasten the apocalypse as prophesied in Christian eschatology.

The discourse also highlights the **Zionist perspective** that views non-Jews as lesser beings, serving a supposed divine mission to reclaim sacred lands. This ideology fuels further conflict and supports the idea that these events are leading toward Melhame-i Kübra. The author argues that this belief system leads to a dangerous mindset where atrocities are committed under the guise of divine will.

It touches on various interpretations of Islamic eschatology, particularly hadiths that relate to Melhame-i Kübra, which are often expressed in symbolic language that requires reinterpretation over time. The text suggests that the historical context should inform our understanding of these prophecies.

The author warns of the consequences of the current geopolitical climate, advocating for vigilance and preparedness among Muslims in the face of potential conflict. The message urges unity against the threats posed by the ideologies of both Zionists and evangelicals, emphasizing that the repercussions of these conflicts will inevitably affect the broader Muslim community. The text concludes by reaffirming the belief in a future confrontation between Muslims and Jews, asserting that, according to certain hadiths, Muslims will ultimately prevail.

There is a general acceptance that the Melhame-i Kübra will take place in the Amik Plain of Hatay, but I think this should be evaluated in a little more detail. Is it the Amik Plain in our Hatay? It sounds like it is not. Then where is it? Because God, quote unquote, promised these lands and they are currently under occupation. And for that, whatever is necessary is permissible. That’s why, for example, they turn a blind eye to the massacres of babies in Israel despite almost all the signatures. They do not see the atrocities committed by Israel. They even give all kinds of support unconditionally. Why do they give it? There is such a belief in the background: To force God to apocalypse. To force Jesus Christ to come down.

And what does that require? The word Melchamah is derived from the word “lahim”; “lahim” means flesh. It means that there will be a mass slaughter of people. Here we are talking about a situation where arms, legs and bodies will be torn apart. Today, Urfa and Harran are one of the pilgrimage sites of these events. Harran is the second place that needs to be liberated after Jerusalem. They can commit these atrocities with peace of mind because they think they are doing good deeds while committing these atrocities. If they think they are doing good deeds while committing a massacre or an evil deed, there is no more dangerous type than that.

There will be a huge conflict and war, and it is expected that two-thirds of the Muslims will die, will be martyred. But in the end, Muslims, Mr. Hajji, first of all, thank you for accepting our invitation. Today we are going to talk about a topic that is very much on the agenda. In fact, many people are discussing this topic: It is stated that there will be a great war between Jews and Muslims with Melhame-i Kübra. Is there any truth to this? Are these hadiths authentic? Do they mean what we understand them to mean? We turned to you to understand this.

If you like, please come in, Professor Dr. Jalil Abzar. Now Melhame-i Kübra is a concept that is frequently mentioned in our Islamic literature and Islamic sources. Perhaps it has an equivalent in the evangelical Christian world as “Armageddon” or the “Apocalyptic War”. Again, in the Zionist Jewish understanding, the delusions of Arz-ı Mevut and the claims of a superior race to a certain extent should be evaluated together with these issues. Because we are currently facing a concrete serious event. You know, it is actually a process that has been going on for 100 years, but with October 7, 2023, we have been witnessing for a year that Israel has been implementing a genocide centered on Gaza, in front of the eyes of the modern world, perhaps unprecedented in history. We are witnessing ruthless massacres; we are witnessing babies, children and innocent people being blown to pieces under heavy bombs under piles of concrete. But while all this is happening, we are also witnessing that the world to a certain extent, which is shown in the modern age, is deaf, playing three monkeys, turning a blind eye to all these events. We also see that the Muslim world in particular is silent and ineffective.

With all these events, it is actually necessary to evaluate Melhame-i Kübra and this Armageddon nonsense, in quotes, and the delusions of Arz-ı Mevut together. Now, in general, we have the following thesis: When we look at the past, when we look at the present, and when we look at the future, it can probably be evaluated in the same way. In order to understand all major social mobilizations and political events, two things must be followed; especially economic mobilizations, i.e. where the raw material economic inputs are transferred from where to where, who is taking the big bite, these must be followed to a certain extent. There is also the need to recognize religious movements and religious acceptances, understandings and beliefs. Today, the Israeli genocide in Gaza, which we have already mentioned, and the ongoing situation, its spread to Lebanon, its spread to Syria, God forbid, maybe tomorrow it will be at our doorstep. In order to understand the background of this, we need to follow these religious understandings well.

Here, there is especially the Zionist Jewish mentality’s delusions of Arz-ı Mevut and the superior race understanding of Judaism in general, that is, the belief that God created only themselves as human beings, that they must be born Jewish, that is, you cannot become a Jew later on, and that all other people and beings who are not born Jewish are tasked with serving the Jews, and therefore they must live according to this service. All these things need to be evaluated together.

In fact, on top of this, there is also the mentality of the evangelical movement, the Christian sect, which is particularly active in America today, which largely dominates the political life, thought life and governance of America, the evangelical Christian theology and the Armageddon claim is considered to be, quote unquote, nonsense. To a certain extent, the belief in the Apocalyptic War may also return to this. Of course, in relation to this, it is necessary to see where the reality of what is referred to in the Islamic literature as Melhame-i Kübra corresponds to.

Let’s put a comma here: It is about Melhame-i Kübra. Yes, if there is a hadith or narration that is accepted as mainstream in the general Islamic world, which we refer to as Kutub-i Sitte, it is acceptable for us. We do not dwell on its falsehood. However, there is such a principle: If reason and transmission conflict, reason takes precedence and transmission is interpreted. 

Now, if there is a narration in such a Kütüb-i Sitte, yes, this narration is acceptable for us. But with today’s logic and perspective, if we have difficulties in understanding these narrations, we can resolve them through interpretation. We try to combine and understand it with other Islamic data, verses and different verses of the Qur’an, different narrations. Because there is a wide area in Islam that we call mutashababihat. Especially in hadiths, this mutshabihat, in a sense symbolic language, is often used. Why is symbolic language used? Because Islam is universal and not symbolic, and every era is reinterpreted according to its own needs.

So when we look at many of the verses in the Qur’an, we see that they are of this kind. At the same time, especially when we look at the narrations that are referred to as the hadiths of the end times, we see that they are usually narrated in a certain extent in the form of mutashabihat, that is, symbolic language. The basic principle of this can be handled in many different dimensions, but the basic point is that it is a universal language and it is a requirement that each period is open to the reinterpretation of those narrations within the framework of its own conditions. This is a proof of the universality of Islam in a way.

Now let’s take a look at the hadiths of Melhame-i Kübra. We see that these narrations are included in the six books that we call the Qutub-i Sitte books; we see that such narrations are mentioned especially in Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Bukhari and Muslim. However, we need to keep in mind that these narrations are expressed in symbolic language. Because the history of hadith has changed over time. For example, there were those who defined them; some interpreted the conquest of Istanbul, some interpreted World War I as Melhame-i Kübra. Yes, these interpretations are also acceptable. In other words, it should not be understood in a frozen way as “it ended there”. There is also a wisdom in this: In fact, the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) tried to explain through these narrations that Muslims should remain alive and vigorous in every period, and that they should be prepared for all kinds of attacks, harmful currents and evils. 

In this respect, we Muslims should consider it as such. If we cannot say, “World War I happened and it is over; therefore, Melhame-i Kübra is over,” or if we refer to the conquest of Constantinople mentioned in Abu Dawud, we cannot say that Constantinople was conquered, therefore this happened and it is over. Yes, it happened periodically, but it is part of the Melhame-i Kübra. We can say that the possibility of this happening in the coming processes is high. Therefore, as Muslims, we must always be alive and prepared for such attacks.

Well, hodja, can we see the narration? I mean, how is Melhame-i Kübra mentioned in the hadiths? There is a platform created by hundreds of scientists who are the best experts in their fields, who are not Karamacists, in the light of science, through the channel of creation. You can support our channel, where only science and philosophy will be discussed, by subscribing, liking and recommending it to your friends. Can we see the narration? I mean, how is Melhame-i Kübra mentioned in the hadiths?

For example, let’s talk about a hadith. In a narration in the Musnad of Abu Dawud, the Messenger of Allah says that Yathrib was ruined with the construction of Bayt al-Maqdis. In other words, Medina, ruin is the melhame, the outbreak of war. He says that the conquest of Istanbul is the appearance of the Dajjal. Then the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) put his hand on the knee of Mu’az ibn Jabal, to whom he was talking, and said, “What you are saying is as true as the fact that you are sitting here.” 

This narration is mentioned in Abu Dawud’s Sunan, but it seems as if there is not much there. When we go through one narration in evaluating the narrations, again we can be mistaken. It is important to collect all the narrations related to that field and evaluate them in the context of the basic logic of the Qur’an. Do these narrations point to a specific field? This is what I see: Melhame-i Kübra is a process and this hadith points to a part of that process. Therefore, we must look at these narrations to understand the conquest of Istanbul. 

Yes, the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) is setting a goal for the ummah. These narrations need to be analyzed in many dimensions, not just in a straight logical way, there are many things being expressed here. Therefore, we cannot say that Istanbul was conquered, the melhame-i Kübra happened and it is over. Because we can also talk about other narrations. 

For example, recently there has been a general acceptance that Melhame-i Kübra will take place in Hatay’s Amik Plain. Where does this come from? It is referred to as Amik or Amak in the narrations. However, this seems to have nothing to do with the Amik Plain in Hatay. The region is today’s Syria, which we refer to as the Damascus region. It would be a more accurate interpretation to think of this region starting with Jerusalem and even including the southeast. 

Therefore, the closest place here is the Amik Plain. Yes, it is conceivable that this war could take place here too. But one must avoid this: We should not dull the narratives. What is important is that the language used is symbolic and universal. By addressing all times, the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) gives the message that Muslims should be vigilant, ready and alive against the possibility that every period may experience some events within the framework of these conditions. 

Let me also express this: When we say the conquest of Istanbul, some may make extreme interpretations. We generally understand the conquest of Fatih Sultan Mehmet Khan. But for example, before the War of Independence, that is, during World War I, I have seen some comments that associate the occupation of Istanbul by the British and then their withdrawal from there with the melhame-i Kübra. Could it be? Yes, this can also be considered. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) talks about a melhame-i Kübra that includes all these processes and gives the message that we should be prepared for it.

In the processes we are going through today, we see that Israel, as a troublemaker in the Middle East, is disturbing the peace of the world, disturbing the peace of humanity and committing genocide in Gaza. This also applies to Lebanon and Syria. We need to follow religious understandings and religious movements. Because the Zionist idea of Israel emphasizes this. You know, there are groups among Jews who do not accept this, but this is the basic ideology. 

This is the Jerusalem area, an area that is referred to as the pilgrimage area. This is the mikat of Jerusalem. It is also considered holy sites. So, these are the territories that God, quote unquote, promised to them. Now these lands are occupied and it has become a religious obligation for every Zionist Jew to end this occupation. And whatever it takes to do so is permissible. That is why almost every move in Israel leads to turning a blind eye to infanticide and even rape. In other words, they can carry out these acts without any remorse. 

Obviously, this situation points to the great war that is referred to as Melhame-i Kübra. “The word “melhame” is derived from the root “lahim”, which means that there will be a massacre of people. What is happening in Gaza today is an example of this. So this is a melhame. Therefore, we need to see the process in this way, and unfortunately the Jews are making it happen step by step. In the end, it will definitely lead to a conflict, because the conscience of humanity will no longer be able to bear it. 

Today we see serious conscientious protests in Europe, especially from normal people. Because there is an atrocity that the human conscience cannot bear, cannot understand. Now, let’s put this aside, let’s put a comma here and let’s analyze where the evangelicals are in this. I think this is the triangulation point. According to the evangelical understanding, this is perceived as a religious issue. I call it absurd in a way; it’s hard to understand how such a thing can happen. 

From time to time things like this happen: How can America not see such atrocities? It unconditionally supports the atrocities committed by Israel. Why? There is such a belief in the background, and that is the idea of forcing God into the apocalypse. This so-called “Battle of Armageddon” stems from the belief of evangelicals that the world will become so uninhabitable near the end of the world. 

Accordingly, persecution and torture, like that of Israel today, will increase to such an extent that Jesus Christ will come down from heaven out of His mercy. He will therefore head these evangelicals and they will bring peace and prosperity to the world. After first destroying all the wicked, Christ will ascend back to heaven and leave the world to them. But there is a similar understanding in Islam; I will come to that.

Yes, that is why they say that this will happen. This is clearly a matter of faith. Then there is a subterfuge; there may be a method or a way to hasten it. And who does that? That is Israel. Israel, which has the Zionist mentality today, should be supported. Of course there are many reasons; I am not going into economic reasons, but this is the main reason in the religious background. 

Today, Islam is keeping this alive. Is Zionism using evangelicals or evangelicals using Zionists? This is a really serious question. I think, to a certain extent, evangelicals, especially Zionist evangelicals, are using Jewish Zionists. Yes, Zionism is an ideology. There are evangelical Zionists within Zionism, there are leaders in the American bureaucracy today who believe in the necessity of unconditional support for Israel, and a large percentage of them have this ideology. 

That’s why they express themselves openly and support it unconditionally; they see themselves as the servants of Israel. But in the background there is a belief in forcing God into the apocalypse. So how can these big men be evangelicals? Maybe the Jews deceived them in this way. Of course, this is a possibility. It is impossible to separate them, because they both need each other. They both need each other for their existence and for the survival of their beliefs.

We can easily see this now. Mr. President has been raising this issue many times recently and says that we need to be prepared for this. They are really right.

Because this mentality that is caught up in this delirium of the Promised Land, if we cannot prevent this, if we do not take the necessary precautions, God forbid, they will drag us and even the entire Middle East into this fire. Now, wouldn’t this be a great disaster? That’s what we are heading towards. In fact, a minister made a statement with a hadith in Saudi Arabia. In other words, before Medina was destroyed, it states that Saudi Arabia was within our borders in Mecca and Medina.

Think of it this way: Draw a line from Kayseri to Erzurum in Anatolia, then draw a line from Kayseri to the Mediterranean. The entire region below this is the Promised Land lands for them and is under occupation. I especially need to mention Urfa here. According to this mentality, Urfa and Harran are among the places of pilgrimage for these people. Therefore, after Jerusalem, in quotation marks, the second place that needs to be saved according to them is the Harran region. In other words, can you see the inner workings of the matter?

Okay, sir, let’s say an opposition party made a statement in politics saying “What does Israel have to do with us?” But in this case, does it also appear in their sources? Of course, these guys are already saying this. Their sources also state this. Of course, there are comments in the distorted Torah that point to this. For example, when we look at our historical documents, the region referred to as “Land of Canaan” is an area that includes all the lands I mentioned. In other words, the region referred to here, such as Damascus, is one of the distorted verses of the Torah.

According to one of the distorted verses of the Torah, it is stated that when you enter that region, you should not neglect anything, you should slaughter them all like sacrificial lambs. As we sometimes say, how can they commit so many massacres and such cruelties? Since they base themselves on such beliefs, and the fact that the clergy openly support them and issue fatwas causes them to commit these atrocities with peace of mind. Because they think that they are doing good deeds while committing those atrocities. There is no more dangerous situation than thinking that they are doing good deeds while committing a massacre or evil.

Therefore, in order to understand these events, we need to follow these three basic religious references and religious acceptances. Step by step, as I said, this is coming true for us. Our President also repeatedly mentions and warns about this issue. I am sure of this: Our statesmen and state officials have much more knowledge than we do about what is being done in this sense, how plans are being made. In a sense, this is also their code or cipher. There is no need for intelligence for this; as you said, this historical reality is clearly revealed in the sources.

Therefore, the great malahame will be experienced here. Our sources have made very serious comments on the great malahame. There are concrete regional facts and understandings about the process. But the essence is the great malahame expressed by the Prophet (pbuh). All of these can be seen as branches or parts of it. However, if Israel is not stopped today and these sneaky plans of the evangelicals are not prevented, it is obvious that there will be a great war in this Mesopotamian region, especially in the Damascus region. This is now a predictable situation.

Therefore, the message of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) is this: Be prepared, be strong, be united. Against these threats; the idea that “Israel will not attack us, will not interfere with us” is wrong. My brother, a fire has started in the lowest house in the neighborhood. It is obvious that if this fire is not extinguished, it will come to our house as well. When we think with these thoughts and these beliefs, we should not forget that they are also a matter of faith. Just as we have the six principles of faith, they also have one of the fundamentals of faith.

It is supposedly important for them that these occupied lands reach peace and conquest. Well, my teacher, let’s say that the malahamah took place, what do the narrations about it say afterwards? In other words, will the Muslims win or the Jews? I wonder. Thank God, now this is a Bukhari and Muslim hadith. As a theologian, let me state this; for me, if this narration comes from Bukhari and Muslim, I accept it as authentic without any doubt. As I have stated before, there are some symbolic expressions; I try to understand and interpret them.

Now, there is a narration that is frequently mentioned in this process. The Prophet (pbuh) says: “The apocalypse will not come until the Jews and Muslims fight in the end times. The Muslims will be victorious in this war and defeat the Jews. The stones and trees will say, ‘O Muslim, brother, come and kill a Jew hiding behind me’; but the garkat tree does not inform. Because the garkat is the Jewish tree.” This is actually a symbolic expression; maybe we need to make a separate program and talk about it.

This hadith, therefore, in the sense we mentioned, this evil, the cruelty frenzy that Israel has started, the massacre of humanity is coming towards us step by step. Some Muslim country leaders, I am talking about the Arab world in particular, look at this with the logic of “may the snake that does not touch us live a thousand years”. No, the entire Muslim geography will be affected as a result of this. Because this is the goal of both those who believe in this Armageddon nonsense and those who are caught up in the delirium of the Promised Land, and we have to face it. If it continues like this, we have to be prepared for it.

It is stated in the narrations that in this Melhame-i Kubra war, the person or persons mentioned in Islamic sources will be the Mahdi, the leader of the Muslims. We also look at these hadiths and the conjuncture; there is a trend towards it and a really big clash, a war will occur here. There are narrations that as a result of this war, two-thirds of Muslims will die, will be martyred, but in the end, Muslims will achieve victory and eliminate the Jews and these evil people, and ensure peace and security in the world before the apocalypse. Therefore, I would like to express that we need to be prepared for this.

But there should not be such a lazy wait for the Mahdi. It is not enough to say, “The Mahdi will come, let’s wait.” Of course, it is the duty of every Muslim to prepare for him and create his infrastructure. It is necessary to work and strive for this. Because this is such a terrifying situation that it is not something that will separate Ahmet, Mehmet, Ayşe, Fatma. It will be an attack, a war that will not separate anyone and will actually target the Muslim population in this geography. Therefore, I think that each of us, from our administrators to the lowest class, should prepare ourselves both economically and mentally with this awareness to keep our people alive.

Yes, thank you very much, teacher. Thank you, I thank you too. Hopefully, we tried to combine different topics. I hope we achieved our goal; just as this is a Melhame-i Kübra process, this topic is also a process. It can be continued with additions in different dimensions.

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