The dictatorship of a father and son, puppets first of the Soviets and then of the Russians, and the domination of a party based on the fallacies of socialism and Arab supremacy came to an end, relatively easily and as bloodlessly as possible, despite the fact that the opposing front was armed with Iranian support…
A coalition intent and capable of bringing Syria back into the family of free and democratic countries, a coalition that has rolled up its sleeves to continue the revolution with reforms, an organization that until now had been considered an “outlier” among the religiously motivated “terrorist” organizations for not declaring an ideology other than the end of the civil war and the return of peace – this time with the crown of democracy – even though it dissolved itself on the first day of its victory, the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham…
Having established its first contact at the highest level with Saudi Arabia, a friend and partner of the United States (one of the Arab countries that normalized relations with Israel), and with Turkey, a NATO member, a friend and ally of the United States and EU countries, and having begun diplomatic negotiations with the United States and EU countries, Syria continues to be subjected to American and European economic, trade and industrial sanctions, including restrictions on gas and oil imports, the sale of arms and military equipment, and a ban on travel and financial treatment of persons linked to the Syrian government. Although the US Treasury Department on January 5 made some accommodations to ensure that its sanctions against Syria do not impede activities to meet basic human needs, including the provision of public services or humanitarian aid, it is impossible for Syria, which has been robbed by the Assad family and the Baath since 1971, to live with the current restrictions for even one day, much less to provide the conditions necessary to lead its people to democracy after so many years, a regime that requires personal initiative and sacrifice.
If the sanctions against trade and investment are lifted, the Syrian people will be able to establish themselves with their own production and trade, and will be able to stand on their own feet in a short time by utilizing the country’s oil and gas resources. However, the sanctions must be lifted and the US must abandon its policy of partitioning Syria, creating a “Kurdish” (i.e. PKK) state there and enabling the expansion of Israel. If the YPG-PYD, the PKK offshoot that has held two-fifths of the country, namely the Tishrin dam with oil and important hydroelectric facilities, since November 2013, with the financial and military aid provided by the US Armed Forces, is now standing under the name of the Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria/Rojava), this is not only thanks to the three or five soldiers of the US Central Command CentCom, but also thanks to the sanctions that Trump has not lifted. Whether Trump admits it or not, he is a tool of the Zionist Globalists’ project to give a new order to the Middle East.
Rojava is not a de facto autonomous administrative area in Syrian Kurdistan inhabited by Arabs, Circassians, Kurds, Assyrians, Syriacs and Turkmens, as the leaders of the PKK affiliate PYD and YPG claim. The PYD does not even represent Syrian Kurds, contrary to what its leaders claim. This organization has also lost the power to realize the increasingly impossible project of establishing a Kurdish (i.e. PKK) state in the region. European liberals saw Rojava as a kind of democratic formation led by Syrian Kurds against Assad and the Baathist dictatorship in Damascus. They failed to realize that it was PKK terrorists who founded the PYD and the YPG and they thought they could use them as a tool for the liberation of Syria.
But at the same time, Turkey was trying to prevent the PKK from establishing itself in Syria, while at the same time cooperating with the real Syrian opposition to ensure their victory. Turkey’s policy was based on one principle: Ensuring Syria’s territorial integrity. It is time for the Americans and Europeans who accuse HTS and the Free Syrian Army of being “jihadists” to see the truth and lift all sanctions against Syria.