

By Sam Parker

I see many people in the pro-Palestine/anti-israel/anti-zionist movement who blame the “White devil”/America/American Christian Zionists for what israel is doing and see the USA as the head of the snake while identifying israel as just a vassal of the “Global American Empire.” Zionist jews also push this messaging (to take heat off israel & scapegoat America). But is it true?

🔻 Here are some questions to ponder to help us figure out who’s in charge 🔻

▪️Do israeli politicians have to travel to the United States, put on a cowboy hat & kiss the Washington Monument?

▪️Do White Christians get to make Aliyah to israel & become full citizens?

▪️Do White Christians get to maintain dual citizenship and serve in the israeli Knesset & Cabinet?

▪️Are White Christians a protected class in israel? Are there special laws protecting White Christians in israel?

▪️Are there museums in israel commemorating the historic struggles of White American Christians scattered throughout israel?

▪️Is there an American version of AIPAC in israel, controlling its elections & determining who is in or out of the Knesset on behalf of America?

▪️Is your political career in israel permanently ended for criticizing the United States?

▪️Do israeli politicians have to sign a pledge promising to support the United States–and are they canceled if they don’t like American politicians are when they don’t sign the loyalty pledge to israel?

▪️Do members of the Knesset have an “America First” guy (handler) like US congressmen have an “AIPAC guy?”

▪️Does POTUS tell the israeli government how to handle their students demonstrating at israeli universities like Netanyahu did towards America?

▪️Are there any israeli citizens with dual citizenship who come and serve in the US military to fight & die for America?

▪️Does the US have PACs in israel in order to control who wins elections there like the israel lobby has here, exemplified by AIPAC?

▪️Does israel have laws against boycotting the USA, like 38 US states have laws against boycotting israel?

▪️If israel was a colonial project of America, wouldn’t israel be: sending its tax dollars to America, pledging unconditional support to America, & israel giving American presidents 58 standing ovations for their speeches to the Knesset?

▪️When US politicians visit israel, do they drop their laundry off with israeli leaders to do for them?

▪️Do Americans move to israel, change their names to sound jewish, and then infiltrate & subvert israeli government/media/entertainment/medicine/education/pharmaceuticals/financial industries, all while pretending to be citizens of israel but still remaining loyal supporters of America?

▪️Which country is defending the other’s borders at its own expense while failing to protect its own–contrary to the demands of its own citizens?

▪️Does israel give the United States its weapons technology only to see the US turn around & sell it to israel’s enemies at a profit without israel’s permission & against israeli law?

▪️Does becoming Prime Minister of israel depend on a candidate’s support for the US, or does becoming President of the US depend on a candidate’s support for israel?

▪️Does the US have front groups in israel censoring speech over there to America’s advantage and to hide American control over israel; or does israel have front groups in the US censoring speech here to israel’s advantage and to hide its power over America? IOW, are there American versions of the ADL & the SPLC in israel, run by Americans, censoring regular israelis & getting them canceled?

▪️Are any israeli citizens canceled, debanked, fired, placed on do-not-fly lists, or do they have their lives otherwise destroyed, for criticizing the United States or White Christian Americans (or even Black Americans, for that matter)?

▪️Are israeli troops or military assets deployed to fight wars for America that don’t make any sense for israel to participate in–that bankrupt it–while millions of its own citizens remain sick, underfed & homeless?

▪️Are israeli assets & personnel deployed throughout the world to protect the borders of the Global American Empire?

▪️Does israel send the US $Billions in tribute payments every year as a vassal state of the “American empire?” Or does the US send $Billions to israel?

▪️Are there as many American flags posted or flying in the offices of the Knesset as there are israeli flags posted/flying in the US Capitol offices?

And Finally:

▪️How many Israeli PMs have White America Christians conspired to assassinate or attempted to assassinate in order to achieve the dominance & goals of the Global American Empire?

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