
Why Are Iran’s Nuclear Facilities Under Threat?

Tensions between Israel and Iran are rising as Israel considers striking Iran’s nuclear facilities, viewing them as a threat. Dr. Ayhan Sarı warns that such an attack could trigger a wider regional war, especially given existing tensions with Hezbollah.

Summary:Tensions between Israel and Iran are escalating over Iran’s nuclear program, with Israel considering a military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Israel, which reportedly possesses nuclear weapons, is determined to prevent Iran from developing its own, seeing it as a direct threat to regional security. According to Dr. Ayhan Sarı, Israel has the capability to carry out such an attack, but it needs the political and military backing of the United States.

Recent developments, including missile defense cooperation between the U.S. and Israel, suggest that preparations are underway, though convincing the U.S. to support a preemptive strike remains a challenge. Sarı warns that any attack on Iran’s nuclear sites could trigger a wider regional war, especially as tensions between Israel, Hezbollah, and Iran are already high.

With Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu advocating for regime change in Iran, Sarı believes that a full-scale conflict may be unavoidable, as both sides seem prepared for further escalation.

In recent weeks, the international community has been closely monitoring developments surrounding Iran’s nuclear program. Israel, long known for its hardline stance against nuclear proliferation in the region, appears to be edging closer to a military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. But why is this threat resurfacing, and what could be the consequences?

Dr. Ayhan Sarı, an expert on Middle Eastern geopolitics, provides some insight into the complex dynamics at play.

Israel’s Growing Concerns

Israel has always been wary of its regional adversaries obtaining nuclear capabilities. While it is widely believed that Israel itself possesses around 90 ready-to-use nuclear warheads, this has not prevented it from taking a firm stance against any neighboring countries attempting to develop similar arsenals.

Dr. Sarı highlights that Israel’s security doctrine relies not only on its own nuclear deterrence but also on preventing any regional rival—chiefly Iran—from acquiring such weapons. “This has been a long-standing strategy for Israel. They are determined to ensure that no other power in the Middle East achieves nuclear capability, and Iran poses the most direct challenge to that policy,” he notes.

Recent intelligence estimates suggest that Iran could reach nuclear capacity within a few years, further intensifying Israeli fears. According to Sarı, Israel’s ability to target and destroy these facilities is well within its means. “Israel has already shown its capacity to carry out high-profile strikes. We’ve seen this with their targeting of key figures like Hezbollah’s Hassan Nasrallah and Hamas’ Ismail Haniyeh in secure locations,” he explains. “So, detecting and hitting nuclear facilities, which are far more conspicuous and harder to conceal, is well within their reach.”

A Regional Conflict in the Making?

However, the decision to strike is not only about military capabilities. According to Sarı, Israel needs the political backing of its most powerful ally, the United States, to move forward with any such attack. He argues that Israel’s own defense capabilities, without American support, would be insufficient to fend off the inevitable backlash from Iran and other regional actors.

“There’s a lot of behind-the-scenes negotiation happening right now,” Sarı asserts. “Israel is trying to secure U.S. support for a potential strike. Recently, we’ve seen signs of increased cooperation, with reports that the U.S. is planning to deploy THAAD missile defense systems in Israel. But convincing Washington to back a preemptive attack is no easy task.”

A full-scale conflict, he warns, could have dire consequences for the entire region. While Israel may focus on Iran’s nuclear facilities, a broader war could quickly spiral out of control. “We’re already witnessing heightened tensions, with major attacks on both sides. Just recently, a significant missile strike by Iran targeted Israeli forces, further escalating the situation,” Sarı adds.

Israel’s Calculations

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, known for his aggressive and expansionist policies, has not shied away from presenting Iran’s nuclear ambitions as an existential threat. In the past week alone, Netanyahu reiterated that Iran’s regime must be changed, drawing sharp criticism from Tehran.

Sarı contends that this rhetoric is part of a broader Israeli strategy to keep the U.S. engaged and supportive. “There is a power vacuum in U.S. leadership right now, and Israel is capitalizing on that. With President Biden’s administration seen as weak or distracted, Netanyahu is pushing hard to ensure that the U.S. remains firmly behind Israel,” he explains.

Despite these political maneuvers, Iran’s defenses remain vulnerable. “Iran’s air defense systems and intelligence capabilities are weak,” Sarı notes, citing recent security failures in Tehran as evidence. While Israel is likely to avoid targeting Iranian oil refineries, as such actions could upset its Western allies, it is clear that nuclear facilities remain squarely in the crosshairs.

The Inevitable Conflict?

Given these developments, Dr. Sarı believes that a major confrontation is almost inevitable. “In many ways, the region is already in a state of undeclared war. Hezbollah, Iran, and Israel are all engaged in active military operations,” he observes. “A full-scale conflict involving all parties would be the next step.”

As the world watches, the potential for regional warfare looms larger with each passing day. With Israel seemingly determined to prevent Iran from achieving nuclear capability and Iran equally committed to defending its sovereignty, the stakes have never been higher.

“It’s not a matter of if, but when,” Sarı concludes, leaving readers to wonder how soon the Middle East could be thrust into yet another devastating conflict.


This piece sheds light on the growing threat of conflict over Iran’s nuclear program, as analyzed by Dr. Ayhan Sarı. It remains to be seen how long this precarious situation can hold before full-scale war erupts.

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