
Why do Western countries support Israel despite its actions?

Exploring the Double Standards in Western Support for Israel

Does Democracy Justify Israel’s Actions?

Many Western countries defend Israel using various arguments, one of which is that Israel must be protected because it is a democracy. However, a closer look reveals that Israel and its allies often undermine democratic processes in other Middle Eastern countries for the sake of Israel’s security and their own interests. For example, in 2006, Hamas won democratic elections but was not allowed to govern Palestine, showing a double standard.

The Justification for Israel’s Actions in Gaza

Israel’s military actions in Gaza have lasted over a year, but its aggressive policies have been ongoing since the 1940s. The recent Hamas attack on October 7 was framed as a necessary response to Israel’s occupation and killings. Palestinians have been fighting for their right to land and life, but Israel and its Western supporters try to legitimize their actions with claims like “Israel has the right to defend itself.” In reality, they blame Palestinians for resisting while defending Israel’s occupation.

Democracy as a Defense

One of the most common but flawed arguments is that Israel is the only democracy in the region. While Israel may have a democratic system, its policies are far from democratic in practice. In 2018, a constitutional change turned Israel into a “Jewish nation-state,” marginalizing other ethnic groups. Even if Israel is democratic, this system has brought to power leaders responsible for military aggression, and democracy hasn’t stopped the occupation or killings.

Hamas, which is labeled as a terrorist group, won the 2006 Palestinian elections but was not allowed to rule. When Hamas won, democracy was suddenly seen as a flawed system, highlighting hypocrisy. If the U.S., Israel, and others hadn’t intervened, Palestine might have developed a democratic system. Instead, Palestinians were denied democratic governance, which only paved the way for more occupation.

Democracy Suppressed for Israel’s Security

This pattern extends to other countries in the region. The Arab Spring movements seeking democracy were suppressed, keeping dictators in place for Israel’s security. Had democratic transitions succeeded in Egypt or Syria, those countries might have taken a stronger stance on Palestine. Instead, authoritarian regimes that align with Israel remain in power, silencing public opinion that supports Palestine.

A Script of Silence

The authoritarian regimes in the region are favored by the West because they remain silent on Israel’s actions. Only Qatar actively condemns Israel, but it is too small and far from Palestine to make a difference. The broader scenario seems to be that Israel is kept as the only democracy in the region to justify its actions, while the rest of the region remains undemocratic and unable to challenge it.

In summary, while many agree on the nature of the problem, applying a solution remains elusive, much like knowing an illness but lacking the means for a cure.

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