Syria now has a new government and a promising future. There is nothing more natural than flowers blooming in the spring after the fall of the dictator Assad. However, the situation changes when others enter the garden and want to pluck those flowers. As a matter of fact, European countries, which did not lift a finger during the Assad era, suddenly started to intervene in Syria’s internal affairs and impose their values. You know, the values that disappear when it comes to Israel. The right to life, women’s rights, minority rights, etc.
They are so enamored with the new Syrian government that they still refuse to lift the embargoes of the Assad era. Every time they speak, they bring up the rights of the Alawites and the YPG, who call themselves minorities and commit separatism. In Gaza, 200 kilometers away from Damascus, they are silent when people are killed because they are Arabs and Muslims, but in Syria they are suddenly concerned about ethnic and sectarian groups. Let them do so, but it is hypocrisy to be blind to some and blind to others. Therefore, they have no right to lecture anyone on humanity. However, Syria is in such a situation that it cannot turn its back on this hypocrisy because it is in need of everyone, regardless of who is a hero or a villain. It will have to accept some, if not all, of what Europe says.
If it was only Europe that was involved in the future of Syria, the damage would be less, but there is still America and Israel. The US is not leaving Syria to protect the YPG by using the existence of DAESH, which it deliberately kept alive. In fact, it can be persuaded somehow and sent out, but now that Israel has entered the equation, it will not leave. Therefore, the US will once again act as a sacrifice for Israel and confront Turkey and the Syrian government as usual.
It will even try to divide Syria, again at Israel’s behest. Israel is seriously disturbed by Turkey’s presence in Syria and is preparing for a possible war. It is also trying to create buffer zones by dividing Syria into cantons. Although it uses the excuse of protecting minorities as a pretext (the whole world sees what it does to minorities), its aim is to protect the Druze and the YPG, which it finds close to itself, and to tire Turkey and Syria with minorities while it lives in security.
If it were not for these minorities, Israel would not be idle again. As a matter of fact, it invaded southern Syria not for the minorities but for itself, acquiring new lands and seizing 40% of Syria’s water. It is likely that its occupations and military operations inside Syria will continue. Because Israel’s only value for others is that it considers them worthless. The blood, life and property of others are things to be destroyed for Israel.
Syria has the misfortune of being the neighbor of such an evil country and will have to deal with both internal and external threats. In fact, 300 million Arabs are behind Syria, but their rulers are interested in improving relations with Israel. If the Arab regimes cared about their oppressed brothers and sisters, they would first stand up for Palestine. As a result, Syria does not have many friends as a state. A few friendly countries like Turkey and Qatar will have to be content with whatever they can do.
By painting such a pessimistic picture, we do not mean to say that the future of Syria is dark. We only emphasize that the dangers remain, that Iran and Russia have been replaced by Israel and the US, and that Europe will side with these two countries. However, one can still be hopeful. Just as Russia and Iran took Assad and left, so will America and Israel. We are just saying that the problems in Syria are not over and will continue for a while.